Top-Quality House Painting & Construction Services in Colorado

Local Painters Loveland CO
Exterior House Painting Services Loveland CO

The Best House Painting & Construction Services In Fort Collins

Inside, outside, upstairs, downstairs—we’ll cover every inch of your home with quality painting and refurbishing, for remodeling, renovations, and new construction. Our home remodeling specialists in Loveland are the best in the painting industry, and you won’t find a better company throughout the Northern Colorado Front Range for quality and service.

A good paint job is about the fine details, and we go the extra mile to keep them all in mind. From sharp lines to neatness, and from attentiveness to our dedication to quality, we treat your home with respect and with the utmost professionalism. When our house painting or home remodeling work is finished, the inside of your home will gleam with an enhanced aesthetic and renewed vigor.
Interior Painting Services Loveland CO
Exterior Home Painting Loveland CO

From below-freezing temperatures to 100°F+, and from snowy winter skies to brilliant sunshine, the exterior of your home has to stand up to a climate that seems to change every five minutes. You want the colors of the exterior paint to gleam for years with a brilliance that sustains curbside appeal. We use only the finest paint to ward off chipping, fading, and deterioration. To get the job done the right way, we will thoroughly inspect the exterior of your home before painting to correct any trouble spots, then we’ll sand, prime, and caulk the exterior with the finest waterproofing sealants available.

Learn More About The Services We Offer

The character of the inside of your home is not just about the paint colors. The quality and finish of the woodwork—baseboards, door and window trim, cabinets—is an essential part of the aesthetic appeal and comfort of your home. Whether your property in Fort Collins requires home remodeling, new construction, or restoration projects, we specialize in staining and wood finishing, because we know the look of your home can go from good to stunning with quality varnishes, stains, and lacquers. For the exterior of your home, we use Spar varnishes that protect your wood from pests and water, and that also block the harmful effects of UV rays from the sun.
You will always get quality service from Distant Painting Company, whether it’s siding installation on a newly constructed home, siding replacement for your current home, or repair for siding damaged by storms or extreme seasonal weather conditions. For renovation, repair, and home remodeling projects in Fort Collins and throughout Northern Colorado, we’ll inspect the entire exterior of your home to find all the places that might need attention to ensure we don’t miss a spot. For an entire replacement, we’ll handle all the groundwork—e.g., removing shutters and accessories—and the installation of waterproofing measures before affixing the new siding to your home. We’re committed to covering all the bases.
We are experts in the fields of quality interior and exterior painting, fine finishes, and siding for new construction, renovations, or home remodeling projects in Fort Collins. Nothing improves the resale value of your home than a durable exterior and quality interior craftsmanship. As a Northern Colorado EPA-Lead Certified contractor, we’re certified under the Renovation, Repair, and Painting Rule (RRP)—certification # NAT-119034-1.
Gutter Installation Loveland CO
District Painting goes beyond just painting and siding; we also offer expert gutter installation services. At District Painting, we employ modern techniques and seamless gutter systems to deliver exceptional gutter services to the Front Range region, ensuring top-notch quality and performance. Our commitment to utilizing quality techniques and materials guarantees that our gutter installations surpass industry standards, providing unmatched reliability and durability.

Helpline And Support

(970) 690-9059

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Reach out to us if you would like to discuss our solutions for the environmental concerns of your project.